Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"taking a break"

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Just two days ago my boyfriend and I decided we should take a break, not break up. We agreed that we had things to figure out in our own lives outside each other. He has G.E.D testing coming up and lately I have been going through waves of depression and let down. We also invested too much of our happiness in each other. We relied on each other so much that we had no lives outside of seeing each other so when we couldn't hand out it was hard to deal with. We fell in love really fast and put too much time into each other, we needed this break. Sure, I cried and fussed to my fiends, but that's just about what every teenage girl does. We still love each other and we still text (after 3pm) and we plan to work this out face to face, but it was hard to deal with for a the last two days. I'm slowly coming to terms though and I know we will be ok.

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For me, I cried my eyes out to my mom the moment it happened, but it only took me two days to come to terms with it. I sent him a lot of texts out of pure emotion, which I regret. I'm becoming more and more ok with the fact that we each need our own time to ourselves and you should too. Get over your emotions and dig within yourself to find what makes you happy outside of your lover. It could be a hobby or just being with your friends. Realize that this is for your own good and for the health of your relationship. This will, in the end, make the both of you stronger, just remember that!

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